As they say… “What you don’t know can hurt you.”   Running related injuries can wreck your racing season, trying to run through pain is never a good idea. 

Aside from learning how to reduce the risk of hurting yourself,  you will also learn how much fuel you need to consume day to day,  how to train your energy systems to increase your endurance and develop a sound training strategy.

Experience a weekend of assessments, education and training to bring out your BEST!

Gait analysis
Our gait analysis is the beginning of each weekend clinic. A comprehensive look at the way you run.
Hyrox specific VO2max testing
Unleash your Potential with Coach Diaz
Heat Stress Testing

We take a deep dive into what causes you to fatigue

 Athletes come to us for one reason… to gain an Edge!  We believe by taking a far more holistic view of what is behind fatigue.  Once you understand how to approach your training effectively your finish times will fall.  It is not about any independent exercise or challenge, it is a collection of challenges that together bring you down.  We will teach you and demonstrate how to gain the competitive edge that no other coaching system provides.